
How to connect Launch X431 V to OBD/ non-OBD vehicles

It’s part of the 2017 Launch X431 V 8 inch scan tool user manual, which is aimed to help those have troubles in OBD or non-OBD vehicles connection.
Normal testing conditions
- Turn on the vehicle power supply.
- Vehicle battery voltage range should be 9-14 Volts.
- Throttle should be in a closed position.
Select the diagnostic connector
If X-431 V is testing vehicles equipped with universal OBD II 16 PIN diagnostic
socket, please use the included diagnostic connector. (For vehicles with
non-OBD II 16 PIN diagnostic socket, a non-16 PIN connector is required.)

II.DLC location
The DLC (Data Link Connector or Diagnostic Link Connector) is typically a
standard 16-pin connector where diagnostic tools interface with a vehicle's
on-board control modules. The DLC is usually located 12 inches from the center
of the instrument panel, under or around the driver's side for most vehicles. If
Data Link Connector is not located under dashboard, a label should be there
telling location. For some Asian and European vehicles, the DLC is located
behind the ashtray and the ashtray must be removed to access the connector. If
the DLC cannot be found, refer to the vehicle's service manual for the location.
III.Vehicle connection
The method used to connect the diagnostic connector to a vehicle's DLC
depends on the vehicle's configuration as follows:
y A vehicle equipped with an OBD II management system supplies both
communication and 12V power through a standardized DLC.
y A vehicle not equipped with an OBD II management system supplies
communication through a DLC connection, and in some cases supplies 12V
power through the cigarette lighter receptacle or a connection to the vehicle
How to connect to an OBD II vehicle:
  1. Locate vehicle's DLC socket.
  2. Plug the diagnostic connector into the vehicle's DLC socket (It is suggested
to use the OBD II extension cable to connect the diagnostic connector and
DLC socket.).
  1. Choose one of the two ways to obtain power from:
  2. Power adaptor: Connect one end of the included power adaptor to DC IN
  3. Internal battery pack
How to connect a non-OBDII vehicle:
1.Locate vehicle's DLC socket.
2.Select the corresponding non-16pin connector.
3.Plug the non-16pin end of the connector into the DLC socket, then connect
the other end to the OBD I adaptor, and then tighten the captive screws.
4.Connect the other end of the adaptor to the included diagnostic connector.
To supply power to OBD I adaptor from:ACigarette Lighter:
A. Connect one end of the cigarette lighter cable to
vehicle's cigarette lighter receptacle, and the other end to the power jack of OBD I adaptor.
B. Battery Clamps Cable: Connect one end of the battery clamps cable to
vehicle's battery, and the other end to the power jack of OBD I adaptor.
2017 Launch X431 V User Manual:

