This blog is review on: Diagnose Renault Megane injector and instrument panel, read and clear DTC codes by 2017 Launch X431 V 8 inch tablet OK.
Launch X431 V diagnose Renault Megane steps made by a customer:
Connect this new Launch X431 V with car via the Bluetooth VCI Box.It will connect Bluetooth automatically.
Choose “Renault” on European section.
Go to latest software Renault V42.40 and choose “Automatically search”. It will show vehicle information as below:
Click “Quick Test” to scan all car modules fully. It will cost 2 minutes.
Launch X431 V scan DTC codes and faults exist in Injection system and Instrument Panel system.
Now just click the fault and choose “Read DTC”.
Renault Megane Injection DTC error details display:
Click “Clear Fault Memory” to clear DTC codes. And no error exists in Injection module!
Same way Launch X431 V 8 inch read and clear Renault Megane Instrument Panel DTC codes as below. all rights reserved, Original Article url:2017 Launch X431 V diagnose Renault Megane injector instrument panel