This is a user experience to do Carprog 8.21 USB programming. Share it here.
AT YOUR OWN RISK if you do not do this point and your AT88SC chip is erased.
Before programming, please unsolder or lift up pin 8 of your AT88SC crypto memory
Programming procedure:
- Erase your current firmware:
- Connect carprog clone to j-link programmer:
a)with external power
- b) without external power – power from j-link
- Connect J-Link to computer and open J-FLASH
- Choose NEW Project
- Go to Options-Project Settings (ALT+F7)
- Target Interface - choose JTAG and push Detect
- If you see there id ARM7TDMI Core 0x3F0F0F0F then you
did all ok, carprog is erased and ready to be programmed.
- Push OK and close program.
- Open usbclient.exe.
- Only when all programming is done you can reconnect your
at88 chip back to board after you disconnected device
from all
This is from website Auto ECU Programmer technical support:CARPROG v8.21 USB PROGRAMMING (user solution)
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