
(solved) Lexia3 PP2000 error: not possible to start Peugeot Planet Office

This is a useful tips of how to solve Lexia-3 software Peugeot Planet 2000 installation error- not possible to start Peugeot Planet Office. Wish this helps.
Operation system: Windows XP
Device used:
Lexia-3 clone

Error message in PP2000:
Il n’est pas possible de demarrer Peugeot Planet Office pour les rasisons suivantes:
Peugeot Planet interface n’est pas branchee sur le port USB de vontre PC,
Peugeot Planet interface est en cours d’utilisation par une autre application.
Il faut donc brancher Peugeot Planet interface au PC et fermer les autres applications.
Valider pour contruer
(error in English
It is not possible to start Peugeot Planet Office for the following reasons:
Peugeot Planet interface is not plugged into the USB port of PC vontre,
Peugeot Planet interface is in use by another application.
so you have to connect Peugeot Planet interface to the PC and close other applications.
OK to continue)

Analysis by DIYOBD2 engineers:
1- use the short USB cable to connect to PC and check if indicator on Lexia3 can be li8ghted up or not
2- check the driver in Computer Management after proper connection
3- try to run PP2000 software after the driver runs normally
Lexia 3 software setup Instruction:1- Install software
Before installation, windows system needs to be English, and until in choosing Language during installation of software, you are free to choose your mother language.
2- Activate software
Under the file “LEXIA3_KEYGEN”, there are the activation pictures for lexia3
and the file “PP2000_KEYGEN” contains the activation pictures for PP2000.
1- it needs registered code for PP2000, but no registered code for lexia3, as
for the registered code.
2- To the customers whose mother language is not English, that’s ok, since
there are 20 kinds of language for Citroen, and 26 kinds of Language for
Attention: before installation, you have to close all of the anti-virus software, to prevent the data for the device is destroyed by the anti-virus software.
Reference to download:

