
2016 vag ME17.5.22 all key lost with VVDI2 VAG

Have managed to use Xhorse VVDI2 VAG commander for 2016 new vag all key lost. Report it here.
Ecu type:


Procedure 12:
Johnson control with 95320 - uds
Generally, this type instrument use 95320 EEPROM.
There are two methods NEC+95320(Johnson control), NEC+95320(jci 2013 bora/jetta)
There’s a special procedure for prepare dealer key:
Menu->key learn->4th immobilizer system - VW/ skoda/ seat (choose the specific type according to the car)
Lost all key- OBD prepare key
This function will read PIN/CS from ECU or (input PIN/CS) and prepare dealer key. The dealer key can learn to car
After running this function, it changed 6 bytes of all 12 bytes CS in immobilizer system. So the old key cannot be used anymore, and don’t accept any key come from dealer

Tag: VVDI2 programmer:

Rapporter l'article:

Xhorse VVDI2 lire tableau de bord, precode CS à la clé, ajouter des clés

