
How to install Wellon VP598 v4.7 software and USB driver

Here, diyobd2 offers the newest Wellon VP598 v4.7 software free download link, software and USB driver installation instructions here. Learn all about VP598 universal programmer and run it for auto diagnosis smoothly.
Free download VP598 v4.7 software:
Operating system:
WINDOWS XP\7\8\10 32/64bit
Part 1 - Wellon VP598 v4.7 software installation
1 Insert the installation disc into CD-ROM driver, The system will autorun the installing WELLON software.
2 If the CD can not autorun, please open the CD and run the file "autorun" installing WELLON software.
3 Connect the WELLON VP598 programmer module to the computer's USB port with the provided cable then install the USB driver.If the installing succeed, the lamp "LINK" wil be lighten.
* Warning:
You must install the WELLON software at first,then connect the programmer to the computer with the cable,otherwise the USB driver will be error!
Part 2 - USB driver installation
(1) Please install the software of WELLON programmer by inserting the installation disc into CD-ROM driver, before you install the USB driver of WELLON programmer module.
(2) Insert USB cable port vertical to the programmer’s USB port when connect the programmer to the computer’s communication port.
Connect the programmer module to the computer’s USB port with the provided cable.
WINDOWS system will note finding new hardware and auto install the USB driver. If system
can’t find the driver, you can find it by yourself. This driver is available in CD-Rom or Defaults. ( C:\weilei\ WELLON \usbsys or C:\weilei\WELLON\usbsys64).
If the programmer is not detected follow the below given procedure.
1 Open the computer (here with Windows XP).
2 Connect the programmer module to the computer's USB port with the provided cable.
3 Show "Add new hardware guide" frame, Press the "Next'"button .

4 Search for the new driver.

5 Select"Specify a location", press the"Next"button.

6 Select C:\Program Files\weilei\wellon\usbsys. Press "OK", installing the USB driver

7 Finish USB Floppy driver installation!
Part 3 - Run VP598 software
VP598 software and USB driver installation success!
Turn on your programmer and run WELLON vp598 v4.7.0. If you use the programmer with USB port, you must run software after”LINK” bright.
Note: Insert the chip only after the software communication check is OK.

Halogen to LCI ECE Bi/Xenon Retrofit Success for F25 X3

Salut à tous, mon halogène retrofit au xénon a réussi pour F25 X3. (Front Headlights).
Partagez les détails sur la façon de le faire

1) Vous avez besoin d'acheter des phares BMW d'origine avec des modules de xénon + TMS doivent être installés dans les phares.

2) Vous avez besoin d'acheter nouveau module FRM III même que celui que vous avez dans la voiture est aussi FRMIII (les gars intelligents dans bmw économisent de l'argent en cas d'halogène d'usine)

3) Vous devez faire quelques changements de câblage

4) Code VO 522 et l' écrire dans le module FRM (VO Codage avec  ESYS 3.22.5  J'ai utilisé)

5) Connecter les lumières, vous devriez obtenir xénon + côté marqueur (pas d'yeux d'ange)

6) Dans INPA, vous devriez obtenir le code d'échec: Module TMS Codage Erreur ou timeout ... ce qui signifie FRM voit les modules, mais ils ne sont pas initialisés.

Dans le cas où vous avez trouvé Défaillance LIN-Bus, vous devriez vérifier à nouveau votre câblage car le FRM ne peut pas voir les modules TMS.

7) Exécuter Rheingold et exécuter la fonction de service ..... logiciel doit vous diriger automatiquement et vous offre l'initialisation du module TMS ... après l'initialisation, vous devriez être ok ... avec les phares avant .....

NOTE:  Même après que le TMS est initialisé, il ne figure pas en tant écus en ESYS..however il y a du code FDL fo TMS à l' intérieur de FRM ECU.


Which tool best to read & erase BMW EEPROM M35080?

Je veux lire et effacer BMW EEPROM M35080. Toutes Les bonnes suggestions? CARPROG, XPROG-m et R270 Pro are Tous mentionnés et suggested Dans mon message Dans un forum. Quelle Meilleure?
service à la clientèle Diyobd2:
Tous les outils Que you have mentionnés ci-dessus (CARPROG, XPROG-m et R270 Pro) Sont d'accord to read et effacer EEPROM M35080 .. Tous testES Aucun problème.
Détails de la version 8.21 CARPROG / v9.31, XPROG m v5.3, R270 + BDM Programmer v1.2 ..
1-  version CARPROG 8,21 / à v9.31
Gérer à lire et EEPROM M35080 clair
- À lire et à OFFLINE clair Avec le programme v9.31 CARPROG

- À lire et à ONLINE clair Dans l'Interface de la Version 8.21 de CARPROG

Principales Ethic à lire eeprom via CARPROG:
programme CARPROG Ouvrir
Selectionnez EEPROM-> 93C 24C 95x v2.6
Cliquez sur l'icône de l'outil, PUI Selectionnez M35-> 35080-> lire / verify, PUI click sur OK
Initialisation ... Lire la suite ... Vérification ...
Verifier ok

lire CARPROG Succes EEPROM M35080.
Corriger l'instruction de connexion:

is supérieure à la broche et les ordre Étiquettes XPROG-m brochés du CONNECTEUR 16 broches M35080 de Sorte Que les 7 broches correctes PEUVENT Être SEQUENCES Entre le eeprom M35080 et la carte de programmation spéciale XPROG-M pour le M35080 Eeprom
XPROG-m v5.3 lire EEPROM M35080 succès.

Corriger la connexion ...
Ouvrir R270 in the circuit programmateur
Selectionnez correcte MCU "D80 D0WQ /"
Puis sur le bouton "M35080 / 160D"
IC de type "D80 de D0WQ /" de DAS et Puis Odomètre de type "Type 1"
puis "Lire"
... décodage

R270 pro + lu succès EEPROM M35080.

MB Star Compact 3 Pro Operation Error (sovled)

Ce blog décrit un peu de problème et sa solution lorsque l'utilisateur emploie MB étoiles C3 pro pour faire le diagnostic. Espérons sincèrement à aider les gens avec le même problème.

Problème : Simdas.exe a rencontré un problème et doit fermer.
SIO est indisponible
Affichage d'erreur :

Les raisons:
L'utilisateur fonctionne dans un mauvais sens afin que la voiture ne peut pas être diagnostiquée. deux problèmes
eu lieu sur les images ci-dessus:
1 L'utilisateur entre la carte SIM pour diagnostiquer véhicule.
2 L'utilisateur vise à saisir SIM à partir de la position du DAS.

1 L'utilisateur doit entrer dans les DAS de logiciels pour diagnostiquer voiture, pas SIM.
2 L'utilisateur doit entrer SIM de l'icône dans le bureau.


Top 10 car ECU remap tools for beginners

1.Galletto 1260 ECU Chip Tuning Tool
Galletto 1260 is a cheap and efficient device with hardware and software for auto chip tuning.
Galletto 1260 features:
It works on EDC16, EDC15, MEx.x , DELCO and many more engine4s ECU.
It is compatible with the newest modern diesel TDi, HDi, JTD, and petrol cars.
It supports more cars than any other obd2, eobd tuning tools.
Language: English/ Spanish/ French/ German/ Italian/ Portuguese
2.KWP2000 Plus ECU Remap Flasher
KWP2000 Plus is an improved version of KWP2000. It is a cost efficient tool that read and writes vehicle ECU software.
KWP2000 Plus functions and features:
It is easy to use
It reads and analyzes current ECU software
It upgrades the ECU software with a re-mapped file
It repairs ECUs with software problems or corruption.
It supports high speed ECU flashing
It leds indications for USB-power Car-power/rx/tx
It supports both KWP2000 plus software and other KWP/ ISO software.
3.V54 FGTech Galletto 4 Master BDM-Tricore-OBD Function ECU Programmer
FGTech Galletto is a famous chip tuning tool for all cars, trucks, motorcycles and Marine. Its latest version is V54.
The V54 Fgtech Galletto features:
It not only works as FGTech Galletto 4-Master, but also work as BDM-OBD.
It supports Tricore Function
It supports all cars, trucks, motorcycles, Marine, BDM MPCxx, BDM Boot Mode Tricore and checksum
It support languages: English/ Italian/ German/ French/ Spanish/ Portuguese/ Czech/ Turkish
It supports Windows XP, Vista and Win7
Unlock version, can use directly, no need activation
FGTECH V54 PCB board: Specially designed
4.XPROG-M V5.0 XPROG-M Programmer X-PROG-M V5.0
The XPROG-m programmer is an improved version of XPROG programmer. It fully upward-compatible hardware with XPROG programmer and have many additional features. Its latest version is V5.0.
XPROG-M Programmer V5.0 functions and features
The XPROG-m can be connected by BDM.
It supports in-circuit and on-board programming of Motorola 68HC05, 68HC08, 68HC11, 68HC(S)12 family MCU's, Texas Instruments TMS370/TMS374 family MCU's and serial EEPROMs.
5.Piasini Engineering V4.3 Master Version
Super Piasini Master V4.3 can read all dump of chip by bin file and you can write or edit dump yourself. It is updated version for V4.1, support more vehicles.
Piasini Engineering V4.3 Master functions and features
  1. Latest Firmware version: V4.3
  2. With USB dongle, software no need active, directly use.
  3. It is Master version, support full dump file read and write, support more vehicle list than V4.1.
  4. JTAG – BDM – K-line – L-line – RS232 – CAN-Bus
  5. Read/Write Programmer
  6. Windows XP System
  7. Checksum Correction Incorporated for Mitsubishi/Denso/Hitachi
  8. Server On-line Updates and Security Survey
  9. New ECU Implementation Free of Charge
6.06 KESS V2 OBD Tuning Kit
V2.06 Kess V2 following on the success of the tremendously stable and versatile Kess 1, this latest addition to the Alientech stable is probably the most advanced tool available today.
V2.06 KESS V2 functions and features:
Software Version: V2.06
 Do car ECU programming
Support Languages: English/German/ Spanish/ Italian/ Portuguese/ French
 With coverage of all major brands and protocols including Line, CAN, EDC17 and MED17 and Ford J1850
 Work as a successful tuner with a very affordable price
No token limitation
7.06 KTAG K-TAG ECU Programming Tool Master Version
KTAG K-TAG ECU Programming Tool is designed entirely around the needs of our customers to be more responsive and reliable.
V2.06 KTAG ECU programmer functions and features:
Software Version: V2.06
Hardware Version: 5.001
Available Protocols for K-TAG: BDM MOTOROLA MPC5xx
Support BDM Function Well
8.2014 Nouveau MPPS V16 ECU Chip Tuning for EDC15 EDC16 EDC17 inkl CHECKSUM
This MPPS V16 is the newest professional ecu chip tuning tool, completely working through obd2 port, no need soldering or connecting cables, easy and high efficiency.
MPPS V16 functions and features:
Recalculation of checksum
Read / write flash
Requires Windows XP sp2
Support multi-Language: Afrikaans/ Albanees/ Bahasa Melayu/ Cech/ Cymraeg/ Deutsch/ Esti/ English/ Espanol/ Filipino/ Finnish/ Francais/ Galego/ German/ Hrvatski/ Indonesia/ Italiano/ Kiswahili/ Latviesu/ Lietuviskai/ Magyar/ Malti/ Nederlands/ Norsk/ Polska/ Portuguese/ Romanian/ Slovencina/ Slovenski/ Srpski/ Suomea/ Svensk/ Turkish
9.UPA USB V1.3 Programmer 
New UPA USB Programmer with Full Adaptors is the main Device can be directly connected to the Elrasoft.
V1.3 functions and features:
Support MC9S12HY64/HA32
Support program EEproms
Serial Flash memory support: A25L512/010/020/040/080/016/032, SST25VF512A/010A/020B/040B/080B/016B/032B,
S25FL004A/008A/016A/032A/064A   + Added 24C1024, 24C1025 support
Bulk erase data memory to PICs 16F913-7/946, 12F629/675
Script function GetPage
Script function AutoBaudRateDevice (hc08 devices only)
Script function GetProgrammerFrameChildCtrl ( AChildCtrlName: string): TControl
Script function EnablePicMemoryAreas ( AProgram, AID, AConfig, ACalibration, AEEPROM
Fixed bug with script functions ProgramDevice, ReadDevice
Fixed bug with 68hc11 reading if Oscillator is not set to Auto
Updated script example files
The software is digitally signed
USB driver upausb.sys is digitally signed and can be used with 64-bit windows XP/Vista/7
10.28 CARPROG Full
Carprog Full V7.28 (with all softwares activated and all 21 items Adapters) is designed with regard to demands of the customers to have universal tool for car radios, odometers, dashboards, immobilizers repair.
V7.28 CARPROG functions:
Program ECU
Program IMMO
Program Dashboard
Reset Airbag
Decode radio code
Program MPU
Support Windows XP
For more information about these tools and other ECU programmers, please visit obd2france.com official website:


Autel MaxiDAS DS708 or Foxwell GT80 Plus, which one better?

I want a full diagnostic mux and learn that Autel DS78 is much more cheaper than Foxwell DT80 plus... Why?? Any special points or highlights of Foxwell DT80 plus??
Yes, FOXWELL GT80 plus does had its own merits, compared with DS708. Read the comparison cable below.
productFoxwell GT80 PlusAutel MaxiDAS DS708

manufactureOriginal FoxwellOriginal Autel
display10.1” LED capacity touch display 7" TFT (800*480 dpi) color display with touch screen
Spanish/Korean/Italian/ Hungarian/Dutch/Thai
English/Spanish/France/ Portuguese/German
updatefree update online for 18 months;
500USD/year later
free update online for 12 months;
695USD/year in USA/Canada, 500USD/year in other area later
operation systemWindows 8.1 ProWindows CE
functionfull system diagnosis
+key coding
full system diagnosis
vehicle coverage
(note 1)
USA car
Pacific car
European car
French & Italian car
USA car
Asia car
European car
Chinese car
vehicle yearNew 2015/2016 vehicleUntil 2015
(note 2)
More protocolsLess protocols
conclusionAs a full diagnostic tool, Foxwell GT80 plus performs better than Autel DS708:
-more languages
-special functions: OPF, ADS, TPS...
-more vehicle coverage: GT80 plus supports 2016 models
-more protocols

-Why DS708 much cheaper?
-because DS708 stopped production and Autel MS906 will replace it
Note 1 - vehicle coverage
GT80 plus diagnostic tool:
USA coverage:
Chrysler, Ford, GM, Brazilian GM (For Brazilian Market Only)
Asia pacific coverage
Au Ford (For Australian Market Only), Acura, Brilliance, BYD, Chery, Daewoo, Geely, Great Wall, Honda, Holden (For Australian Market Only), Hyundai, Infiniti, Isuzu, JAC, Kia, Lexus, Mazda, Mitsubishi, Nissan, Perodua, Proton, Scion, Subaru, Suzuki, Toyota
European Coverage
Audi, Bentley, BMW, Bugatti, EU Ford, Jaguar, Land Rover, Maybach, Mercedes Benz, Mini, Opel, Porsche, Rolls-Royce, Saab, Seat, Skoda, Smart, Sprinter, Vauxhall, Volvo, VW
French & Italian Coverage
Abarth, Alfa-Romeo, Citroen, Dacia, Fiat, Lancia, Maserati, Peugeot, Renault
USA coverage: GM, Ford, Chrysle ,etc.
Asia pacific coverageToyota, Honda, Lexus, ACURA, Nissan, SUBARU, Mitsubishi, Mazda, ISUZU, Daewoo, Hyundai, Kia ,etc.
European coverage: Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Volkswagen / Audi, LAND ROVER, Volvo, JAGUAR, Opel, FIAT, rich, Saab, Peugeot, Renault, Citroen, etc.
Chinese coverage: FAW-Volkswagen, Shanghai Volkswagen, Dongfeng Citroen, Tianjin FAW, Shanghai GM, GM-Wuling, Chery Automobile, Guangzhou Honda, Southeast Motor, Dongfeng popular, Hainan Mazda, Beijing Hyundai, etc.
Note 2 - protocols
ISO9141-2, ISO14230-2, ISO15765-4, K/L lines, Double K Line SAE-J1850 VPW, SAE-J1850PWM, CAN ISO 11898, Highspeed, Middlespeed, Lowspeed and Single wire CAN, KW81, KW82, GM UART, UART Echo Byte Protocol, Honda Diag-H Protocol, TP2.0, TP1.6, SAE J1939, SAE J1939, SAE J1708, Fault-Tolerant CAN.
Autel MaxiDAS DS708:
ISO 9141-2, K/L lines, flashing code, SAE-J1850 VPW, SAE-J1850 PWM, CAN ISO 11898
ISO15765-4, Highspeed, Middlespeed, Lowspeed and Singlewire CAN


Mpps V16.1.08 ECU Chip Tuning in Creating Checksum BMW E46

This blog records my experience with Mpps V16.1.08 ecu chip tuning for BMW E46 checksum.
Vehicle model: BMW E46
Device used: Mpps V16.1.08

Tips: This device I purchased only cost me €26.15 in promotion, with well package including new V16.1.08 French mpps ecu chip tuning and CD for update.

Problem: I have already done some ECU Tunings with some Audis and VWs. I read out the original files and send them to someone who optimizes it for me and then he sends it back to me. My tuner says I have to create the checksum by myself with my flash program. But I don't know how to do. I’m using MPPS v16 clone. This is my problem with the e46 ECU Tuning. Hope somebody can help me.


Just follow the steps will be OK
1 With ECM
2 Verify Checksums
3 Open file
4 Select EDC plcc32
5 Select compute
6 Select Correct File
7 Select Save File

How to run ISTA-P with K+DCAN cable using ICOM A2

This is the instruction on how to run Rheingold ista/p with K+DCAN USB cable using BMW ICOM A2 diagnostic tool.
INPA K+CAN For BMW COM A2+B+C Pour BMW Diagnostic & Programme Appareil Inclus Logiciel Français
1.Disable firewall.
2.Remove voltage constant.
3.Extract and copy the ICOM emulator xml files to:
4. In VMware network editor, ensure "VMnet0" is set to "bridged" and your LAN network adaptor is selected in the drop down menu.
5. In VMware network editor, add a new network called "VMnet3" and set it up as shown in the picture below:
Note: Click "apply" and "ok" and close down VMware.
6. Open VMware again and start emulator using the k+dcan snapshot. Once it has loaded up, go to the vm settings and change network adaptor 1 to "VMnet3(host only)". Click "ok" then wait 30 seconds for network to re-initialise.
note: you can now create new snapshot if you want.
7. Connect K+DCAN cable to emulator and car and run "ifhsrv32" using icon on emulator desktop.
note: ensure k+dcan cable usb icon is active in the vm.
8. Start ISTAP native, start a session and choose "ICOM emulator" in connection manager screen.
note: if everything is ok, the led on your cable should start to flash after a minute or so. If not, recheck emulator settings (i.e. com9, latency timer set to 1 etc.).


Carprog v8.21 super online version, what can work & can’t work

User Feedback on Carprog v8.21 Online Version
Carprog Full v8.21 has been released at obdtool for some days. Here are some customers’ feedback on it with some models tested OK and tested unsuccessfully.
Carprog software free download:
Carprog v8.21:(untested)
-- pass: Car Technology
Carprog v8.21 super version: (tested ok)
Carprog v8.21 highlights:
- first carprog to support ONLINE function
- support the MOST MODELS
- come with Carprog v8.21 online-version software and Carprog v9.31 offline-version software

Users with Carprog v8.21 says:
I bought Carprog 8.21 just for fun and I am trying it on different cars. It s CLONE
Maybe we can share some experience on new update regarding mileage correction.
Focus 2008 ....ok
Cmax 2010 ....ok
opel many ecu(bensin and diesel) ....ok
Fiat croma, punto, bravo...ok
Passat b6 2007....ok
hyundai i20 2014 obd...........ok
skoda fabia clear airbag by 3 wires ....... Ok
astra IV , insignia , octavia 2011 JC ......online work
Work fine for Renault Scenic,Laguna,Megane... dash with HC08 and NEC procesors with A10
cable without disamble the dash. Work 100%
Megane 1995-1999 Key 100% work
VW Passat 2008 Km 100% work
Opel ECU all work fine
NOT work with VW ECU
Insignia , Astra 2010 .... error connection
polo 2014 read dash ...fail
octavia ----2007 read immodata ...fail
clio3 2006 dash with 24c04 always change to 137000 0r 131000km cant remember by obd..

How to generate FCS codes on 2012 BMW F30 with CIC

Last week, i happened to get FSC generator for navigation systems and managed to use this one on my 2012 F30 with CIC.

Free download:
FSC Generator
Password: "Eintracht_Frankfurt"
It generates the FSC in three steps (READ FSC - DECODE FSC - GENERATE FSC). But you have to change the "year-parameter" in the batch-file to a later map (e.g. 2016 - or even later - instead of 2014), then it works perfectly.
The Default 0x06 for 2014 does not work, but 0x09 does!
In addition, you'll need an BMW ENET cable and a working EDIABAS installation (32-bit - It does not run on 64-bit Windows!):
Basic Steps:
1. Read the navi FSC using the swid_reader.
2. Disconnect your latptop from the car (it's no longer needed).
3. Decode the FSC code using the supplied b64dec tool.
4. Feed the decoded fsc code to fsc.exe along with the region (0x2d) and map sequence code (0x08 for NA Premium 2014-2).
5. This will output the "short" FSC code for your car.
6. Plug the USB stick with the maps into the glovebox USB port with the ignition on.
7. The car will say that an updated map is available. Click OK and it will prompt you to enter the short FSC via iDirve.
8. Enter the code output by the FSC generator and if everything is good, it will start loading.
The FSC code from BMW is very expensive. But now i think i can save a buck.

Ceci est BMW ICOM Série du support technique du site Web www.obd2france.com:Comment générer des codes FCS sur 2012 BMW F30 avec CIC